Over the past few months our My Time project has enjoyed working with a range of partner agencies across Glasgow and beyond. Project staff delivered 4 week taster sessions of massage therapies, mindfulness, relaxation and arts and crafts to tenants of West of Scotland Housing Association. We had fun! The tenants really enjoyed the experience, learning new things, and feeling relaxed, socialising with others and learning to manage their stress.
Southside Housing Association invited us to their Hillington Park Mossheights and Herriet Court developments to work with their tenants. Here we delivered 2 hour taster sessions of massage, relaxation and yoga.
We also delivered an 8 week Mindfulness course to tenants of Loretto Housing which was enjoyed by 10 tenants. .
The Nan McKay Community Hall had an 8 week wellbeing experience which included, gentle yoga, therapeutic massage, mindfulness, stress management and aromatherapy product making. The group really enjoyed the range of activities which allowed them to manage stress, physical aches and pains and learn self-management skills.
Feedback from participants included:
“Very refreshing, so relaxed, slept better”
“My shoulder was very sore and the massage was very good and eased the pain.”
“Lovely to be able to relax with the help of an expert”
“It was good, I liked it. Enjoyed making the bottle and the frame”
We have also been developing our wellbeing work with Carers and in partnership with Social Work Carers teams we have delivered an 8 week Mindfulness courses to dementia and Parkinson’s carers in Knightswood and another 8 week course for GAMH mental health carers. We are currently working with the South West Carers team to deliver two 4 week courses to carers there.
“I found it very helpful in my situation and covers areas that carers would benefit from”
“What an experience I have had in this 8 week course. I now feel I have the tools and the know how to cope with my thoughts and feelings”
“The book and the CD with the trainers voice (brilliant)”
Our sessions can be run as a stand-alone, as a course or as a taster where clients can experience something from each of the sessions or as a longer course. To give an idea of pricing the 4 week taster has 4 x 2 hour sessions of each of yoga, mindfulness and arts/crafts and 2 x 2 hours of holistic therapies and costs approximately £950 (£237.50 per 2 hour session) or if buying separate sessions an approximate average costing of £80-£90 per hour.
We can tailor the sessions to fit with your requirements and can give a more detailed costing once we know more about your needs. If you are interested we’ve provided more information and practical details in our My Time section which will give you a better idea of the benefits of each session and we are happy to answer any further questions!
Just contact Lynne O’Neill l.oneill@gamh.org.uk or call 0141 552 5592